According to Buddhists there are three means of learning - body, mind and consciousness, and because children of different age group are not equal in body, mind and consciousness so they should be taught with different methods.
1. Imitation Method :
-It is a natural method of teaching and learning.
-During Buddhist period, this method was used specially at the primary level.
-Language teaching moreover begins by this method only.
-Teachers pronounced the word and students imitated them.
2. Question-Answer Method :
-It is also a natural method of teaching and learning.
-Children by nature are inquisitive.
-They keep asking questions when, why and how and grown ups satisfy them with suitable answers.
-This method was used during Buddhist period in the same form, students did ask questions and monks (Bhikshus) did answer them.
3. Explanation Method :
-Chinese traveller Hieun-Tsang mentioned this method in his travelogue.
-He wrote that teachers used to explain the meaning of the lessons in detail.
-This method was used specifically at the higher level of education.
4. Debate and Logic Method :
Controversial topics were taught through debate and logic.
In support of their arguments on any such topic eight types of evidence were presented, namely—theory, cause or reason, example, parallelism, contradiction, evidence, hypothesis and induction.
5. Lecture Method :
In higher education institutions, great scholars of different subjects were invited to deliver lectures and to clarify the complex concepts in their respective subjects thereby enriching the knowledge of students.
6. Shastrarth and Conference Method :
-In Buddhist period conferences used to be held in higher institutions of learning.
-Scholars of different subjects were invited in these conferences.
-They delivered their lectures and shastrarth was held.
7. Demonstration and Practice Method :
-It is the higher form of imitation method.
-During Buddhist period of education system this method was used in teaching subjects like fine arts, masonry, vocational subjects and medical science.
8. Self Study Method :
-During Buddhist period the art of writing was developed and hand written manuscripts of important texts were prepared.
-All the higher education institutions of that time had huge libraries containing these hand written manuscripts.
-As a result self-study method of learning was developed.
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